Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Best Business Security Systems

The Best geschftlicher umgang Security SystemsCredit Alarm ordnungsprinzip stellung via Shutterstock With so much invested in their companies, geschftsleben owners know how critical it is to keep their establishments protected. For years, theyve turned to home security monitoring ordnungsprinzips to keep their companies safe from burglars. Home security monitoring systems provide around-the-clock support from alarm specialists when trouble occurs. The systems consist of entry sensors and motion sensors to protect homes from break-ins, smoke and heat detectors that protect against fire, and flood sensors, temperature sensors and carbon monoxide detectors. When a sensor goes off, the system transmits emergency signals through a telephone landline, cellular phone connection or broadband internet connection to the security systems monitoring station, which dispatches police or fire crews when needed. Some security monitoring systems offer a two-way voice in tercom, eliminating the need for a phone call. If the alarm goes off, the intercom connects the business owner or employee directly to the monitoring station.1 FrontPoint SecurityFrontPoint Security provides extensive tips and advice keep a business safe. The security company offers a wide variety of security devices, including cameras, door and window sensors, glass break sensors, motion sensors, garage door overheads and ear-piercing sirens for home intrusion protection. FrontPoint also provides smoke and heat sensors for fire protection and carbon monoxide, flood and freeze sensors for environmental hazards. Customers can customize their system to include as many or as few features as they want.Monitoring Services FrontPoint Security offers three vorkaufsrechts, all of which are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week and include burglar and intrusion monitoring devices as well as fire, environmental and life safety devices. The higher-priced packages include the ability to a ccess the system remotely and receive instant alerts, as well as automation options for locks and lights and wireless video surveillance.Help and Support FrontPoint Security provides an extensive online help center, which includes eBooks and videos with information about security monitoring and security devices and safety tips. In addition, support personnel are available for help via phone, email or live chat on the companys website.*******************************************2 Protect AmericaProtect America scores high marks for making it simple to get started by offering its high-end equipment free of charge, which can save users several hundred dollars in initial setup costs. The companys fruchtwein basic package includes a control panel, three door or window sensors, one motion detector and an internal siren or door chime, while its most comprehensive features a control panel, 15 door or window sensors, one motion sensor and an internal siren or door chime. Every package comes w ith a battery backup, three window decals and a yard sign. Protect America also provides a number of wireless security devices, such as temperature sensors, glass break detectors and garage door sensors. Protect America does not install the system, so it must be hooked up by the customers.Monitoring Services Protect America offers a number of options for security monitoring, including a landline telephone, broadband Internet, or cellular connection. The system features a short delay that allows enough time for the business owner to enter and deactivate the system during normal use, or to deactivate the alarm if it is set off accidentally. In addition, Protect America has a two-way voice system that connects the user directly to the security monitoring station, which precludes the need for the monitoring station to call the business when the alarm is triggered.Help and Support The Protect America support team can be reached for help by phone, email or live chat. If one of the devices is malfunctioning, customer support can help determine whether it needs to be reset or replaced, and the company immediately ships out replacement products when needed.*******************************************3 SafeMartSafeMart offers a broad range of home monitoring services and security equipment. SafeMart does not provide installation services, but detailed instructions for installation are included. Customers have their choice of using as many security devices as needed, including entry point sensors and motion detectors for burglary protection, smoke and heat detectors for fire protection and carbon monoxide detectors and flood sensors for environmental hazards.Monitoring Services SafeMarts UL-listed monitoring station is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The company offers both landline and cellular-based security systems. Customers have the option of using a combination of wired and wireless devices that can be hooked up to the same control panel.Help and Support SafeM arts 24-hour tech support can be reached by phone, email and live chat. If one of the devices is not working properly, the tech support department will help isolate the problem over the phone to see if a replacement device is needed.Editors Note Considering a video surveillance system for your business? If youre looking for information to help you choose the one thats right for you, use the questionnaire below to have our sister site, BuyerZone, provide you with information from a variety of vendors for free Chad Brooks Chad Brooks is a Chicago-based writer who has nearly 15 years experience in the media business. A graduate of Indiana University, he spent nearly a decade as a staff reporter for the Daily Herald in suburban Chicago, covering a wide array of topics including, local and state government, crime, the legal system and education. Following his years at the newspaper Chad worked in public relations, helping promote small businesses throughout the U.S. Follow him on Twitter. 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Monday, March 9, 2020

Nonverbal Communication Do You Know What Your Body Is Saying at Work

Nonverbal Communication Do You Know What Your Body Is Saying at Work Effective nonverbal communication is important. Why? In summary, body language and your ability to decipher and/or manipulate it is a skill you need to master if you want to not only understand but also excelat all fassons of communicating.When we interact with others, we continuously give and receive wordless signals, reads a help guide on nonverbal communication. All of our nonverbal behaviors the gestures we make, the way we sit, how fast or how loud we talk, how close we stand, how much eye contact we make send strong messages. These messages dont stop when you stop speaking either. Even when youre silent, youre still communicating nonverbally. In many instances, what comes out of your mouth and what you communicate through your body language are two totally different things. When faced with these mixed signals, the listener has to choose whether to believe your verbal or nonverbal message. Invariably, theyre going to choose the nonverbal because its a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts your true feelings and intentions.If you are lacking in the skill of nonverbal communication decoding, here are just a few things that you will miss out on if you dont pay close attention to what everyone is not saying.Heres what youll miss without nonverbal communication skills.1. The ability to tell who is honest and who is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.Wouldnt it be great to know who is being upfront with you and who is just humoring you and your efforts? Understanding the people around you and their motivations are key to your success. Watching how key players interact with each other also speaks volumes. Armed with this skill you will have the upper pranke in all communications.2. The ability to communicate who you really are without words.We dont often get the chance to explain who we are and what drives us at work. Sometimes we dont even get a chance to speak in meetings. What if you could clearly demonstrate who you are and what you are capable of doing without saying a word? You will be surprised at how much youve divulged about yourself once you have learned how to effectively speak nonverbally.3. The confidence gained by knowing how to navigate interpersonal relationships at work.Knowing how to read non-verbal cues will give you the confidence to act in certain arenas, whereas previously you might have been hesitant. For instance, you will know when to begin and end conversations so that your message lands succinctly. You will know how to align yourself with like-minded colleagues to ensure you are on the winning team.The possibilities are endless.Nonverbal communication is the only communication that you can truly rely on because these cues are innate. So lets look at a few key elements of nonverbal communication methods.What are the six types of nonverbal communication?If you find yourself wondering, What are the different types of nonverbal communi cation, there are six of them. And here they are1. Physical AppearanceI cant stress enough the importance of your overall physical appearance. It literally is the deciding factor in whether or not people will deem you worthy of their attention. Your physical appearance is not about having the best outfit or most expensive clothing (although you will need to be clean and tidy). Its about presenting your best self. Its about your energy, your smile, and your posture. These three little things can either attract people to you, or scare them away.2. GesturesA gesture is a specific movement that reinforces a verbal message. A gesture can be made with the head, shoulders, and even your legs however, the majority involves your arms and hands, backed up by the right facial expressions as well. Gestures should be natural, meaningful and spontaneous. A gesture must not be vague, stiff or premeditated whether thats a hand gesture or a gesture of any sort. As a demonstration of this, take a lo ok at any presidential address given by both Obama and Trump. If you couldnt hear what they were saying, which one would you say appears more authentic and/or genuine?3. Eye ContactEyes are a huge form of communication. I dont want to freak you out, but the eyes say everything Maintaining eye contact instills trust, looking down, up and sideways communicates everything you dont want to say, at least not if the encounter is important to you. We have all been on the receiving end of distracted eyes, and I would wager we have all engaged in the same behavior to extricate ourselves from certain individuals. If you have, then you already know the importance of eye messages.4. Tone of VoiceWhen I am training a group of people or lecturing students and I bring up the subject of the tone of voice, I simply ask them to recall a class or a meeting where the speaker droned on in a monotonous voice that nearly put them to sleep. Everyone instantly understands. How would you rate your tone of vo ice? If you arent really sure (because what we hear is different from what everyone else hears), then ask a couple of people to rate your tone, your inflections, and pitch. Putting people to sleep, looking at their watches or gesturing towards the door is not what you want when communicating.5. Facial ExpressionsFacial expressions say so much and because they seem to be such a natural response to things we are hearing or seeing, it is extremely important to be aware of them in the workplace. As I said earlier, looking at your watch repeatedly in a meeting when your boss is droning on about something will communicate your annoyance, which will, in turn, annoy your boss. Unless, of course, your intention was to piss him or her off. Rolling your eyes when a colleague is explaining their contribution to a group project is disrespectful and immature. Is that really the message you want to send in a professional schauplatz? So it is key that we keep certain facial expressions from morphin g onto your face in certain situations. Maintaining a poker face can work to your advantage.6. Your Personal SpacePhysical space is telling. Here I am referring to both the comfort zone of personal space when speaking with someone, as well as your personal space, i.e. your desk, office or cubicle. That comfortable bubble we all have as our perimeters is unique to everyone, but the universal unspoken code is not to invade another person s space. However, some individuals are clueless about this and literally get in your space while you slowly inch your way backward to maintain your bubble, only to have this clueless individual inch forward to maintain their invasion. Getting too close is a sign of aggression, and it is often saved for that reason alone, but if there is no aggression, then it is a sign of disrespect. This person has no boundaries. If they are willingly getting in your space each time you speak with them, you have to wonder what other boundaries they will trespass.Your personal workspace, albeit personal, speaks volumes to management. If you think having a cluttered workspace shows how busy you are, think again. A disorganized work area reveals disorganized thinking, right or wrong, this is what it communicates, and if you are in an environment where the higher-ups manage by walkabout, this is exactly what they look at, I know, because this is also my management style and it hasnt proven me wrong yet. In conversations with staff and colleagues, there seems to be this misconception that if your work area is neat or sparse, then management will think you are not busy enough and give you more work, when in reality it shows that you are concentrating on the task at hand instead of spreading your attention in all directions.--Heidi Crux is the author of Public Speaking Simplified and Demystified. Communication Basics to Create Lasting Impressions. Heidi is a graduate of Dale Carnegie Training with over 25 years of experience both in and out of the boa rdroom teaching communication basics and management principles at the university level. As a trainer and coach Heidi conducts seminars and workshops upon request as well as public speaking engagements.